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2023-2024 USA - Midwest Race Calendar

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Northern Pines Sled Dog Race - Cancelled

DateFebruary 17, 2024
RaceNorthern Pines Sled Dog Race
LocationNorthern Pines Golf Course and Event Center, Iron River, WI, United States
OrganizersNorthern Pines Sled Dog Race- Iron River WI
ContactFrank Stone
Sprint4-Dog (4.40 miles) [Weaving through the mature pines of the Bayfield County Forest. Great trail for all new mushers.], 6-Dog (8.20 miles) [A More detailed trail system for the experienced driver.], Open (17 miles) [Weaving through the pines and hardwoods of Northern Wisconsin, be sure to bring your GoPro camera and hold on TIGHT for the downhill start! ]
Distance10-Dog (32 miles) [Our Mid-Distance trail is a more detailed trail system for the experienced musher and a test of physical endurance for both the dogs and driver as they run all our trails and along the Tri-County Corr]
Weight PullWeight Pull (0.003 miles) [This will be a maximum weight in the shortest time pulled event (16 feet) that will let you see just how powerful man’s best friend can be. ]
OtherKids Fun Mutt Run (0.015 miles) [Open to kids 4-8 and 9-12 years of age using their very own furry friend to pull them down a "75 foot", straight, course. ]
NotesThe Weight Pull event is 16 feet. Open to all healthy, fully vaccinated dogs. Proper weight pulling harness is required. The NPSDR event is free to come and watch and there are several great vantage points on the Event Center grounds as well as on the trail route. Spectators can warm up in the heated viewing area and enjoy food and drinks. There will be clothing items for sale, 50/50 raffle and vendors on site. The NPSDR attracts mushers from all over the country to hit the trails. Around 2,000 people are expected to come this year to watch the dogs, bringing life to this snowy region. Interested in volunteering to help out with the race? Would you like to be a sled dog race Volunteer? Please contact us.

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