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Tips - Health Betterpet Recall Tool A recall tool that helps owners check for recalled products that could harm their pets. Go to Site: Betterpet Recall Tool Calcium Pill Disguise As we cannot buy bonemeal in Canada since the mad cow affair, I give my huskies calcium pills daily. The pills I buy at Cosco are large, egg shaped and difficult to swallow. When I started with them, I would put the pill in their food dish, but most would leave the pill behind. So now I split the pill in half, put both
halves in the kibble, then pour a tablespoon of
corn oil over the two halves followed by the meat and warm water. Now the
pills are eaten and only rarely might I find a half pill left.
I suspect the corn oil soaks and coats the pill
enough to make it palatable. Change Dogs' Location in the Dog Lot Elizabethan Collar Tips Give your dog a pill with peanut butter bread This is the best method we have found. I take a piece of bread & cut a strip off.
Put the rest of the slice in a plastic bag to keep soft. Then I spread peanut butter on
it. Place the pill on one half & fold over. The dogs love it & believe me the pill
never gets spit out. Knuckle Bones Growing New Coats Unique Mouse Trap If pack rats are your problem, good luck, but if its mice, try this awesome trap design passed on to me by a fire lookout. File or hack saw two small grooves in the sides of a five gallon bucket just above the handle holes. Pierce a hole in the center of a beer can on the bottom. Run a piece of fishing line through the can and tightly tie off the fishing line across the center of the bucket so the can is suspended in the center, using the grooves to keep it positioned in the center under tension. Fill the bucket with 3" of water. Bait beer can with peanut butter on three sides. Place a stick leading from the floor to the edge of the bucket at one of the grooves, in line with the line and can. Your automatic multi mouse trap is ready. Empty dead mice as often as necessary. Use a little antifreeze during freezing weather. The mice jump from the bucket edge to the can and it rolls pitching them into the bucket. It occasionally fouls but I've had it catch six in a night. Happy hunting! Submitted by Kirk Barnum, Seeley Lake, Montana [5/1/2006] Vaseline for Pads Worming with Meatballs top of page | home | feedback | search |
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