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Little Su 4-H Club The Little Su 4-H club was started in Wasilla and in Talkeetna, Alaska in October 2002. We have nine 4-H members:
We all have been training and sprint racing this last winter season. All the teams have done a very good job this year. We had one team that won the Jr. Eagle River Classic in Chugiak, Jr. World Championship in Anchorage and came in second in the Jr. North American in Fairbanks. The 4-H program is a practical, learn- by-doing educational program for youth 8 to 19. It is run through the University of Fairbanks and the Mat-Su Copper River District Cooperative Extension Service in Palmer, Alaska. We have three levels of curriculum: Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Beginners
Members are required to be handlers and kennel help for the Intermediate, Advanced and the adult teams for the summer, fall, winter training, and race season. The members are advanced enough to use the skills they have learned to train and race their teams. Everyone learns the Golden Rule: Always take care of your dogs before you take care of yourself. Intermediate
Members also train for different conditions (sprint, mid-distance, long distance racing); learn how to work a real work team (haul water, logs and supplies). We have to be certified in human CPR and First Aid, and we have classes in canine CPR and First Aid, cold weather and health care, intermediate record keeping, canine anatomy, diseases, beginners medical terminology. Advanced
In all the levels we also learn about and practice leadership, responsibility, speaking in public, writing, and money management. Everything we learn is all hands on. We put on demonstrations at schools and the State Fair. We also do presentations on subjects like roundworms (we use real worms for the presentations). We have field trips. We have an upcoming field trip scheduled for visiting CAC Plastics to see how sled runners are made, what kind of plastics are used, what is the best and why. This year we have patches that we earn showing what we have completed. They are like the ones used in equine programs in 4-H. The club members also do other projects like scuba diving; swine, rabbit, and poultry care; sewing (lots of booties, make and repair harnesses), cooking, gardening and much more. Our future goals: we are working on having a Jr. Sled Dog Symposium for beginners to advanced classes, Jr. Sled Dog Camp (beginners and advance); and a scholarship to any educational credited institute Thank you for your wonderful support and donations to the Little Su 4-H Club:
Thank you Martin Buser and Jeff King for the wonderful educational field trip and Rex Jones for your equipment and dogs. Follow our progress at top of page | home | feedback | search |
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