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Pick the Top 5 2011 Iditarod Teams

Time for a little Iditarod fun!

Pick the top 5 Iditarod finishers.

The contest has closed!  Thanks to everyone who entered.

1st Place: Autographed copy of Lance Mackey's book provided by Redpaw Feed
2nd Place: Choice of SDC Logo Fleece Pullover or SDC Logo Fleece Vest
3rd Place: Choice of New Iditarod Fact Book, Ski Spot Run or Frank Hall Books

In addition, 5 drawings for SDC Logo Baseball Hats among all non-winning entries.

John Baker wins 2011 Iditarod in record time!
8 days, 18 hours, 46 minutes

Ramey Smyth 2nd: 8 days, 19 hours, 46 minutes
Hans Gatt 3rd: 9 days, 0 hours, 24 minutes
Dallas Seavey 4th: 9 days, 2 hours, 27 minutes
Hugh Neff 5th: 9 days, 3 hours, 16 minutes

The winners are:
1st Place: Nuno Bellem - 4 of top 5, including winner.
2nd Place: Chuck Simon - 3 of top 5, including winner.
3rd Place: Kathy Henry, 3 of top 5 in the right order.
3rd Place: Lowell Schwarzrock, 3 of top 5 in the right order.

Markus Höhn - 3 of top 5, 2 in right order.

Honorable Mention - 3 of top 5, 1 or less in the right order
Nettie Hall, John Stumm, Robert Redington, Scott Huff, Sid Lucas, Jean Wise, Heather Wietzel,
Patti Christensen, Trevor Lizotte, John Dumire, Peter McClelland, Linda Chouinard,
David Eggert, Virginia Dumire, John Larrison, Elsie Bobby, Lacey Heward, Barry Siragusa,
Virgil Hovden, Natalie Minzey, Amber Bailey, Karrie Charest, Jimmy Lebling, Jacque LaFreniere,
Phil Block, Ken Frizzle, Angela Frizzle, Katie Behrens

SDC Baseball Hat Winners:
Barbara Moore, Mitch Blakeman, Jean Wise, Chase Tingle & Virgil Hovden

----- Teams out of the race

Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Nettie Hall  Aliy Zirkle Hans Gatt Ramey Smyth John Baker Mitch Seavey
Huw Leonard Dallas Seavey Hans Gatt Lance Mackey Ken Anderson Sebastian Schnuelle
John Stumm Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle Lance Mackey Hugh Neff John Baker
Kat Brandsey Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle Lance Mackey Martin Buser Jodi Bailey
Robert Redington  Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Ken Anderson
Doug Evans Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey Lance Mackey Ken Anderson Sebastian Schnuelle
Scott Huff Hans Gatt John Baker Dallas Seavey Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle
Rob Dennis Hans Gatt Ken Anderson Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Paul Gebhardt
Sid Lucas Hans Gatt Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff Paul Gebhardt
Allen Davis Hans Gatt Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle Paul Gebhardt
Elie Lefebvre Hans Gatt Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Paul Gebhardt Sebastian Schnuelle
Taisto Thorneus  Hans Gatt Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt Ken Anderson Dallas Seavey
Nicole Cox Hans Gatt Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Hugh Neff Paul Gebhardt
Todd Schallock Hans Gatt Martin Buser Lance Mackey Ken Anderson Paul Gebhardt
Matthew K Johnson Hans Gatt Martin Buser Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt John Baker
Brad Love Hans Gatt Mitch Seavey Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Paul Gebhardt
Nicholas Guy Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey Lance Mackey Martin Buser Mitch Seavey
Jean Wise Hugh Neff Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Hans Gatt Mike Santos
Tamra Reynolds Hugh Neff Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt Hans Gatt Martin Buser
Charles John Hugh Neff Lance Mackey Ramey Smyth Paul Gebhardt Mitch Seavey
Julie Verrette Hugh Neff Sebastian Schnuelle Lance Mackey Aliy Zirkle Ray Redington Jr.
Chuck Simon  John Baker Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey Lance Mackey Mike Williams, Jr.
Nuno Bellem John Baker Hans Gatt Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey
Aiden Huff John Baker Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Sebastian Schnuelle Mitch Seavey
Chad Schouweiler John Baker Lance Mackey Mitch Seavey Paul Gebhardt Martin Buser
Susan Scofield John Baker Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Martin Buser Cim Smyth
Tom Huntington John Baker Paul Gebhardt Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Ken Anderson
Melissa Onorati  Ken Anderson Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt
Hugo Antonucci Ken Anderson Hans Gatt Hugh Neff Sebastian Schnuelle Lance Mackey
Jenny Beall Lance Mackey Cim Smyth Sebastian Schnuelle Ray Redington Jr Dallas Seavey
Heather Wietzel Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle John Baker Hans Gatt
Robin Sharp Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Hans Gatt Sebastian Schnuelle Aliy Zirkle
Josh Kooiman Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Hans Gatt Sebastian Schnuelle Mitch Seavey
Patti Christensen Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff Hans Gatt Sebastian Schnuelle
Tom Cole Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff Ken Anderson Mitch Seavey
Wayne Baker Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey John Baker Aliy Zirkle Martin Buser
Dillon Lauritzen Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey John Baker Sebastian Schnuelle Ken Anderson
Trevor Lizotte Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Ken Anderson Hans Gatt Hugh Neff
Stephanie Price Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Martin Buser Hans Gatt DeeDee Jonrowe
John Dumire Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Martin Buser Hugh Neff Hans Gatt
Tim McElravy Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Martin Buser Mitch Seavey Hans Gatt
Jamie Spaulding Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Paul Gebhardt Hans Gatt Aliy Zirkle
Austin Forney Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Paul Gebhardt Sebastian Schnuelle Sven Haltman
Peter McClelland Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Ramey Smyth Paul Gebhardt Hugh Neff
Linda Chouinard Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle Hans Gatt Hugh Neff
Jean Coffey Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle Hugh Neff Martin Buser
Matt Rossi Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle Hugh Neff Ray Redington Jr.
Charlotte Mooney Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle Mitch Seavey Hugh Neff
Barb Foucault Lance Mackey DeeDee Jonrowe Paul Gebhardt John Baker Martin Buser
Aaron Campbell Lance Mackey Doug Swingley Sebastian Schnuelle Paul Gebhardt Dallas Seavey
Garrett Warren Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey Ken Anderson Aliy Zirkle
David Eggert Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey Ken Anderson Hugh Neff
Virginia Dumire Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey Martin Buser Hugh Neff
Robert  Johnson Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey Martin Buser Paul Gebhardt
John Larrison  Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle
Brad MacMillan Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Hugh Neff Sebastian Schnuelle Martin Buser
Elsie Bobby Lance Mackey Hans Gatt John Baker Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle
Donny Poulin Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Ken Anderson Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle
Claude Lemire Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Martin Buser Dallas Seavey Ken Anderson
Gordon McLean Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Martin Buser John Baker Ken Anderson
Benjamin Thompson Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Martin Buser Mitch Seavey Dallas Seavey
Bob Kilbreath Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Mitch Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle Dallas Seavey
Lacey Heward Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Paul Gebhardt Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff
Palmer Sagoonick Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Paul Gebhardt John Baker Mike Williams Jr.
Ryan Anderson Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Paul Gebhardt Martin Buser Dallas Seavey
Markus Höhn Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Sebastian Schnuelle Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff
Shane Cox Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Sebastian Schnuelle Hugh Neff Ken Anderson
Matthew Poitras Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Sebastian Schnuelle Martin Buser Hugh Neff
Barry Siragusa Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey Hans Gatt Sebastian Schnuelle
Virgil Hovden Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle John Baker
Mike Parker Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle Mitch Seavey
Natalie Minzey  Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Hans Gatt Ken Anderson Dallas Seavey
Amber Bailey Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Jessie Royer Ramey Smyth Dallas Seavey
Karrie Charest Lance Mackey Hugh Neff John Baker Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle
Jacob Witkop  Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Ken Anderson Sebastian Schnuelle Dallas Seavey
Jesse Poole Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Martin Buser Sebastian Schnuelle Mitch Seavey
Leroy Schoenrock Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Martin Buser Sebastian Schnuelle Paul Gebhardt
Matt Polcaro Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Mitch Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle Dallas Seavey
Jimmy Lebling Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Paul Gebhardt Dallas Seavey John Baker
Roy  Mclellan Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Sebastian Schnuelle Ken Anderson John Baker
Jeff Brown Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Sebastian Schnuelle Martin Buser Dallas Seavey
Michael Mayer Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Sebastian Schnuelle Dallas Seavey Martin Buser
Peter Sohlberg Lance Mackey Hugh Neff  Gerry Willomitzer Sebastian Schnuelle Ken Anderson
Jacque LaFreniere Lance Mackey John Baker Hugh Neff Sebastian Schnuelle Dallas Seavey
Olivier Lemire Lance Mackey Ken Anderson Hans Gatt Martin Buser Sebastian Schnuelle
Stacy Crosby Lance Mackey Ken Anderson Hans Gatt Sebastian Schnuelle Dallas Seavey
Bob Wright Lance Mackey Ken Anderson Hugh Neff Sebastian Schnuelle Hans Gatt
Dexter Lafferty  Lance Mackey Ken Anderson Jeff King Sebastian Schnuelle Mitch Seavey
Mark Walker  Lance Mackey Ken Anderson Martin Buser Mitch Seavey Dallas Seavey
Beth Giwojna  Lance Mackey Ken Anderson Sebastian Schnuelle John Baker Dallas Seavey
Carlleen Brehmer Lance Mackey Martin Buser Bruce Linton DeeDee Jonrowe Zoya DeNure
Chris Huber Lance Mackey Martin Buser Dallas Seavey Hans Gatt Ken Anderson
Jason Quinlan  Lance Mackey Martin Buser Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey John Baker
Thomas Benito Andras Lance Mackey Martin Buser Hans Gatt Mitch Seavey Magnus Kaltenborn
Phil Block Lance Mackey Martin Buser Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey Hans Gatt
Ken Frizzle Lance Mackey Martin Buser Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey Hans Gatt
Mariet Joosten Lance Mackey Martin Buser Hugh Neff Sebastian Schnuelle Mitch Seavey
Marya Lewanski  Lance Mackey Martin Buser Ken Anderson Mitch Seavey Hans Gatt
Mitch Blakeman Lance Mackey Martin Buser Mitch Seavey DeeDee Jonrowe Ray Redington Jr.
Kathi Edge Lance Mackey Martin Buser Rick Swenson Mitch Seavey Aliy Zirkle
Barbara Moore Lance Mackey Martin Buser Sebastian Schnuelle Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff
Jaime Matteson Lance Mackey Martin Buser Sebastian Schnuelle Hugh Neff Ray Redington Jr.
Sherry Sutherby Lance Mackey Martin Buser Sebastian Schnuelle Ramey Smyth Ken Anderson
Brandon Feringa Lance Mackey Martin Buser Sonny Linder Sebastian Schnuelle Magnus Kaltenborn
Matt Bailey Lance Mackey Mitch Seavey DeeDee Jonrowe John Baker Jessie Royer
Jerry Scdoris Lance Mackey Mitch Seavey Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey Ken Anderson
James Nerysoo Lance Mackey Mitch Seavey Hans Gatt Martin Buser Gerry Willomitzer
Stu Stirrett Lance Mackey Mitch Seavey Hugh Neff Paul Gebhardt Sebastian Schnuelle
Ricky Wells Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff John Baker
Kyle Belleque Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt Dallas Seavey John Baker Michael Williams Jr.
Mindee Morning Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt Dallas Seavey Ramey Smyth John Baker
Wes Bradshaw Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle Hans Gatt
Donnetta Franklin Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt DeeDee Jonrowe Hans Gatt Ray Redington Jr.
Barb Redington  Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt Martin Buser Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff
Laura Vinnedge Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt Martin Buser Hans Gatt Sebastian Schnuelle
Daniel Olanna Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt Mitch Seavey John Baker Hugh Neff
Tammy Smith Lance Mackey Ray Redington Jr. Hugh Neff Sebastian Schnuelle Paul Gebhardt
Chase Tingle Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Dallas Seavey Hans Gatt John Baker
Kathy Henry Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff
Lowell Schwarzrock Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff
Josi Thyr Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey Ken Anderson
Don McCarron Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey Paul Gebhardt
Kevin Lewis Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Hans Gatt Hugh Neff Martin Buser
Bill Croke Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Hans Gatt Martin Buser John Baker
Jenna Carlton Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey Cim Smyth
Bryce Mumford Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey Martin Buser
Kelly Sipper Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Martin Buser Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff
Freddy Jimenez Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Martin Buser Dallas Seavey John Baker
Sarah Webster Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Paul Gebhardt Dallas Seavey John Baker
Bill Foucault Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Paul Gebhardt Martin Buser Mitch Seavey
Shellie O'Brien Lance Mackey Sven Haltmann Hans Gatt Cain Carter  Dallas Seavey
Ryan Taylor Martin Buser Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey DeeDee Jonrowe Hugh Neff
Michael Suprenant Martin Buser Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Sebastian Schnuelle Hugh Neff
Angela Frizzle Martin Buser Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey
Katie Behrens Martin Buser Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey
Sophia Berg Martin Buser Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Sebastian Schnuelle Dallas Seavey
Todd Lerol Martin Buser Lance Mackey Mitch Seavey Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff
Jacob Christensen Martin Buser Lance Mackey Mitch Seavey Hans Gatt DeeDee Jonrowe
Heather Clarke Martin Buser Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt Sebastian Schnuelle Michael Williams Jr.
Randy Gerke Martin Buser Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Dallas Seavey Rick Swenson
Dieter Postel Martin Buser Lance Mackey Sebastian Schnuelle Hans Gatt Hugh Neff
Jason Young Martin Buser Mitch Seavey Hans Gatt Lance Mackey John Baker
Della Beck Martin Buser Sebastian Schnuelle Hans Gatt Lance Mackey Hugh Neff
Rick Kimbrough Martin Buser Sebastian Schnuelle Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Hans Gatt
Harley Beechy Martin Buser Sebastian Schnuelle Ray Redington Jr. Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt
Jim Moyer Mitch Seavey Hans Gatt Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt DeeDee Jonrowe
Tatum Love Mitch Seavey Hans Gatt Sebastian Schnuelle Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt
Matteo Guerzoni Mitch Seavey Lance Mackey Paul Gebhardt John Baker Sebastian Schnuelle
Jason Matthews Mitch Seavey Martin Buser Lance Mackey Ken Anderson Dallas Seavey
Danny Seavey Mitch Seavey Paul Gebhardt Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Ramey Smyth
Grace Liu  Paul Gebhardt Hans Gatt Lance Mackey Ken Anderson Mitch Seavey
Zack Steer Paul Gebhardt Hugh Neff Lance Mackey John Baker Mitch Seavey
Raymie Redington  Paul Gebhardt John Baker Hugh Neff Ray Redington Jr. Lance Mackey
Sherry Swain Paul Gebhardt Lance Mackey John Baker Mitch Seavey Ken Anderson
Lev Shvarts  Paul Gebhardt Lance Mackey Ken Anderson Hans Gatt Dallas Seavey
Ryan Redington Paul Gebhardt Lance Mackey Ramey Smyth John Baker Ray Redington Jr.
Derek Meier  Paul Gebhardt Ramey Smyth Martin Buser Dallas Seavey Ken Anderson
Terry Adkins Rick Swenson Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Jessie Royer Mitch Seavey
Don Minzey  Sebastian Schnuelle Hans Gatt Ken Anderson Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey
Jeff Wells Sebastian Schnuelle Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Hans Gatt Paul Gebhardt
Jon Brown Sebastian Schnuelle Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Martin Buser John Baker
Sharon Love Sebastian Schnuelle Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Mitch Seavey Paul Gebhardt
Lauren Otton Sebastian Schnuelle Lance Mackey Mitch Seavey Hans Gatt Michael Williams Jr.
Pete Neilson Sebastian Schnuelle Mitch Seavey Lance Mackey Hans Gatt Aily Zirkle


Thanks for playing!!

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