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Your No. 1 sled dog advertising & information source since 1997!

February 19, 2025

Classified Ad Submission Form

(more information on SDC Classified Ads)

Alert Internet Scam Alert
Read this information before placing your ad!

All classified ads must be prepaid.

paypal credit card

All ads from outside the USA must be paid by PayPal, Credit Card or International Money Order in US funds.
There will be a $10 collection fee by SDC in addition to any fees the banks may charge on NSF checks.

Info on linking photo(s) to your ad »
$10.00 for first photo + $5.00 for each additional photo per ad run.
Please send jpg, gif or png photos as attachments to an e-mail to


Classified Ad Submission Form

Sled Dog Central ads are intended to serve only the mushing community.
We reserve the right to refuse advertising from any individual or company.

Ads sent by this form are typically published within two to three business days.

Please use normal mixed case characters to complete the form.
Do not use ALL CAPS or all lower case.

Required fields are listed in red.

Contact Info

First Last Include Name on Ad
Kennel Name or Company:
# Street
City St/Pr Postal Code
Phone: (example: 555-555-5555)
Cell Phone:
Phone Displayed On Ad:
WebSite URL: http://
Email Address:

Email Options

Due to the increase in scam email, we recommend you include only your phone number or a non-clickable graphic representation of your email address.

Select one:

Payment Method

Please select whether you wish to pay by PayPal/Credit Card -or- Check/Money Order.

Ad Type

Select one of the following ad types, then select a specific category from the drop down list:

Text of your Classified Ad

The words included in the title and body count towards your total word count. The size of your ad will be calculated as you type.

Ad Text: 0
Link to my Web Page:

Total Price:
(The price you want to sell or buy for. Not the cost of your ad!)

Ad Duration

Select duration and price.

50 words100 words200 words300 words
Up to 50 words
1 month - $30.00
3 months - $50.00
6 months - $80.00
12 months - $140.00

Include Photos

Will you include photos with your ad? If so, you will submit them on the next page, after you click the submit button.

Special Instructions

Including special instructions will send a copy of your ad to the Webmaster and disable automatic posting of your ad. This will delay posting of your Ad until the special instructions are satisfied!