2000 Mentasta Spring Carnival Results
Mentasta Village, Alaska

April 1-2, 2000

Return to 1999-2000 Alaskan Results List

Results provided by Mentasta Traditional Council & Roy Perry


30F    VERY GOOD TRAIL   $4000 purse

There was also a kids race with what seemed like 200 kids and all the dogs came from the mushers at the race and it was a blast. Everyone won something and no kid finished lower than first place. and I'll bet there will be some new mushers in Mentasta in the next few years.




Day 1 Time

Day 2 Time

Total Time

6 Dog   6 miles
1 Hans Rietz 18:39 18:48 37:27
2 Forrest Siebold 18:58 18:45 37:43
3 Rex Jones 19:21 19:05 38:26
4 Elisa Butteri 19:15 19:35 38:50
5 Mari Woods 19:34 19:33 39:07
6 Ed Wood 19:29 19:48 39:17
7 Dale Raito 19:10 20:21 39:31
8 Pat Siebold 19:46 19:53 39:39
9 Sandra Perry 19:51 20:14 40:05
10 Evelyn Beeter 20:02 20:06 40:08
11 Wendy Callis 20:52 21:55 42:47
12 Jeff Barnhardt 21:41 21:18 42:59
13 Larry Mark Sr. 21:37 21:32 43:09
14 Lemi Charley 21:45 21:47 43:32
15 Scott MacManus 21:56 22:16 44:12
16 Dale Swartzentruben 25:25 27:09 52:34

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