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MCDMA Points Race #1
Montana Creek, Alaska, USA

December 6, 2008

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Results provided by Greg Sellentin, MCDMA

probert.jpg (41465 bytes)
Photo provided by Dori Hollingsworth

Montana Creek kicks off their 2008-2009 race season.
Egil Ellis holding the sled for Jennifer Probert as she prepares to run the 4-dog class.

Conditions: n/a

Skijoring | 3 Dog Junior | 4 Dog6 Dog | 8 Dog | Open

Place Name Total Time
Skijoring (4 miles)
1 Becky Voris 15.22
2 Kris Rasey 15.23
3 Kim Wells 15.41
4 Dianne Herman 15.43
5 Kirsten Ballard 17.07
6 Mark Bourdon 23.00
3 Dog Junior (4 miles)
1 Michael Stitt 15.04
2 Janine Goodman 17.12
4 Dog (4 miles)
1 Kris Rasey 13.58
2 Jennifer Probert 14.15
3 Debra Prichard 16.51
4 Tabby nardini 18.02
  Kim Wells DQ (Loose Dog)
6 Dog (6 miles)
1 Jennifer Probert 18.13
2 Bev Stevens 18.43
3 Christian Taveau 19.14
4 Tabby Nardini 19.57
5 Thomas Burek 24.17
6 James Castro 24.41
8 Dog (8 miles)
1 Christian Taveau 26:33
2 Joe Kornmuller 27:42
3 Katie Wood 24:54
Open (10 miles)
1 Daryl Hollingsworth 32:26
2 Christian Taveau 33:27
3 Mari Wood 33:39
4 Shane Goosen 35:51
5 Nils Hahn 36:17
6 John Wood 37:12

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