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Exxon Mobil
Tozier Track, Anchorage, Alaska USA

February 7-8, 2009

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Results provided by John R Rasmussen, Alaskan Sled Dog & Racing Assoc.

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Conditions: n/a

3 Dog Employee | 4 Dog | 6 Dog | 8 Dog | Open

Place Name Dogs Day One Day Two Total Time
3 Dog Employee race (2.3 miles)
1 David Mason 3 9:24    
2 Hank Bens Miller 3 9:46    
2 Greg Peters 3 9:46    
4 Steve Krohn 3 12:12    
5 Patrick Moore 3 12:32    
6 Bill Brackin 3 14:09    
4 Dog (6 miles)
1 Lina Gladh  4/4 17:55 17:59 11:54
2 Kim Wells  4/4 18:00 18:13 12:13
3 Jennifer Probert  4/4 19:13 19:03 14:21
4 Mari Cavens  4/4 20:37 20:02 16:39
5 Fran Pekar  4/4 20:50 21:02 17:52
6 Lois Rockcastle  4/4 21:59 21:18 19:15
7 Rick Cavens  4/4 22:57 22:36 21:33
8 Melisa Ghosh  4/4 23:29 23:33 23:02
9 Debra Prichard  4/4 24:32 24:13 48:45
6 Dog (8 miles)
1 Jennifer Sterling  6/6 24:32 24:27 48:59
2 Jennifer Probert  6/6 24:27 24:39 49:06
3 Bev Stevens  6/6 24:23 24:58 49:21
4 Dori Hollingsworth  6/6 25:10 25:33 50:43
5 Kris Rasey  6/6 24:21 26:24 50:45
6 Susan Anderson  6/6 25:25 25:35 51:00
7 Heather Hardy  6/6 26:30 25:58 52:28
8 Evelyn Beeter  6/6 26:50 27:12 54:02
9 Beth Callis  6/6 27:16 27:45 55:01
10 Tabitha Nardini  6/6 28:48 28:48 57:36
11 Melisa Ghosh  6/6 29:46 29:38 59:24
12 James Castro  6/6 33:20 32:46 65:54
8 Dog (8 miles + airstrip loop)
1 Jennifer Sterling  8/8 28:03 27:52 55:55
2 Jennifer Probert  8/8 28:42 27:47 56:29
3 Egil Ellis  8/8 29:49 26:58 56:47
4 Wendy Callis  7/7 28:08 28:48 56:56
5 Amanda Byrd  8/8 29:08 28:37 57:45
6 Evelyn Beeter  8/8 29:00 28:54 57:54
7 Helen Lundberg  8/8 29:15 28:40 57:55
8 Greg Sellentin  8/7 29:59 28:19 58:18
9 Ken Chezik  8/7 29:04 29:31 58:35
10 Beth Callis  8/8 30:38 29:43 60:21
11 Jason Dunlap  8/8 30:11 30:31 60:42
12 Brenda Burge  8/8 30:43 30:18 61:01
13 Kathy Barnhart  8/8 31:44 31:01 62:45
14 Dori Hollingsworth  8/8 34:20 29:00 68:51
15 Norm Hayashi  8/8 34:20 34:31 63:20
  Lina Gladh 8 42:40 scratch  
Open (16 miles)
1 Bud Streeper 18/18 45:36 46:16 91:52
2 Egil Ellis 14/12 46:56 46:01 92:57
3 Arleigh Reynolds 14/12 47:22 47:43 95:05
4 Bill Kornmueller 18/16 48:24 48:56 97:20
5 Ricky Taylor 18/16 48:56 48:51 97:47
6 Courtney Moore 16/16 49:08 48:43 97:51
7 Ed Wood 15/12 48:51 49:26 98:17
8 Jason Dunlap 14/14 50:04 50:49 100:53
9 Heather Hardy 14/14 49:58 51:17 101:15
10 Curtis Erhart 16/12 50:04 51:13 101:17
11 Lina Gladh 16/14 50:23 51:31 101:54
12 John Erhart 14/12 50:22 51:57 102:19
13 Marvine Kokrine 16/14 51:06 51:26 102:32
14 Ken Chezik 16/14 53:11 49:32 102:43
15 Jeff Conn 14/12 52:25 50:53 103:18
16 Ed Dayton 16/14 50:46 52:56 103:42
17 Jack Berry 16/10 57:21 54:33 111:54
  Chuck Erhart 16/12 50:18 DNF (broke sled)
  Erik Renneberg 14 DQ (broke sled)

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