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The Siberian Husky Club of Canada Inc.
The Kortright Centre and Nutro Food Products Technical Team Challenge
Kortright Centre, Toronto, Ontario

February 26 & 27, 2005

Return to Canadian Race Results List

Results provided by Joel Jamieson

Trail Soft on Saturday
Firm and Fast on Sunday.
Calm, Sunny, -5 C Sat., -2 C Sunday

3 Dog | 4 Dog

Place Name Day One Day Two  Total
3 Dog - 4 miles
Average top 3 Teams 42:00, Qualifying Miles Cut 52:30
1 Mike Oldenhof 19:18 17:12 36:30
2 Renata Sauder 23:21 19:31 42:52
3 Daryle Schuler 24:17 21:05 45:22
4 Fraser McGregor 23:33 23:06 46:39
5 Kelly Coccimillo 26:32 34:09 52:41
6 Liz Antochin 32:36 DNS  
4 Dog - 4 miles
Average top 3 Teams 32:28, Qualifying Miles Cut 40:35
1 Mike Oldenhof 16:44 14:46 31:30
2 Cheri McCallum 15:43 17:03 32:42
3 Kathy Kilbreath 16:58 16:09 33:07
4 Judy French 17:34 16:30 34:04
5 Colleen Heibein 17:48 18:51 36:39
6 David Jolette 20:55 18:55 39:50
7 Daryle Schuler 22:32 17:56 40:26
8 Pat Pitcher 24:33 27:31 52:01
9 Steve Goldman 32:35 34:09 66:44

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