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Pick the Top 5 2016 Iditarod Teams

March 17, 2025

Time for a little Iditarod fun!

Entries Closed

Sled Dog Central - Predict the Top 5 Contest

This year we had 54 votes predicting the winner and 13 votes predicting the correct top 2 finishers.
The number of correct votes dropped to 2 at the thrid place position.
We had no voters that correctly picked all top 4 finishers.
Winner First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Owen Huff Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Aliy Zirkle Hugh Neff Allen Moore
Trevor Lizotte Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Aliy Zirkle Peter Kaiser Brent Sass

Most Correct Votes
3 Owen Huff
3 Trevor Lizotte
3 Chad Schouweiler
2 Aaron Campbell
2 Blake Cazier
2 Nova Clifford
2 Heather Dorsey
2 Aiyana Ferraro
2 Mackenzie Giwojna
2 Beth giwojna
2 Olivier Lemire
2 Jeff Lewin
2 Gordon McLean
2 Bryce Mumford
2 Becky Naidow
2 Isabel Rhodes
2 Robin Sharp

Total Votes

Musher First Second Third Fourth Fifth Total
Dallas Seavey 54 28 11 5 2 100
Aliy Zirkle 12 15 11 8 17 63
Mitch Seavey 8 13 17 12 11 61
Brent Sass 5 12 15 11 10 53
Jeff King 3 7 14 13 10 47
Jessie Royer 4 2 5 12 8 31
Peter Kaiser 3 6 10 6 5 30
Joar Leifseth Ulsom 5 7 11 7 30
Hugh Neff 4 5 7 5 21
Robert Sorlie 6 3 5 2 16
Lance Mackey 3 3 1 2 3 12
Martin Buser 1 3 1 1 5 11
Wade Marrs 2 1 1 1 5 10
Nicolas Petit 2 2 1 5 10
Noah Burmeister 1 1 3 3 8
Allen Moore 1 3 4
Sigrid Ekran 1 2 1 4
Jason Mackey 1 2 1 4
Joar Ulsom 4 4
Hans Gatt 1 2 3
Ray Reddington jr 1 1 1 3
John Baker 2 1 3
Aaron Burmeister 1 1 2
Ken Anderson 1 1 2
Rob Cooke 1 1
Miriam Osredkar 1 1
Mike Williams Jr. 1 1
Matthew Failor 1 1
Cim Smyth 1 1
Scott Smith 1 1
Ralph Johannesen 1 1
Matt Failor 1 1
Jason Campeau 1 1
Zoya DeNure 1 1
Nathan Schroeder 1 1
Kelly Maixner 1 1
Dee Dee Jonrowe 1 1

Votes By Name

Voter First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Eric Hand Aliy Zirkle Aaron Burmeister Dallas Seavey Jessie Royer Mitch Seavey
Kathy Stirrett Aliy Zirkle Brent Sass Joar Leifseth Ulsom Ray Reddington jr Jeff King
Angela Frizzle Aliy Zirkle Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Hugh Neff Jessie Royer
Steve Bergemann Aliy Zirkle Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Jessie Royer Wade Marrs
Sid Lucas Aliy Zirkle Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Joar Leifseth Ulsom Hans Gatt
Selina Witt Aliy Zirkle Dallas Seavey Jeff King Lance Mackey Nicolas Petit
Jerry R. Scdoris Aliy Zirkle Dallas Seavey Jeff King Mike Williams Jr. Peter Kaiser
Hannah Keefe Aliy Zirkle Dallas Seavey Jeff King Mitch Seavey Martin Buser
Ashley Crawford Aliy Zirkle Dallas Seavey Jessie Royer Mitch Seavey Joar Leifseth Ulsom
Mats Pettersson Aliy Zirkle Dallas Seavey Joar Leifseth Ulsom Peter Kaiser Ralph Johannesen
Anita Law Aliy Zirkle Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Jessie Royer Lance Mackey
Julie Verrette Aliy Zirkle Joar Ulsom Peter Kaiser Dallas Seavey Jeff King
Erin Neese Brent Sass Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle Mitch Seavey Jeff King
Karrie Charest Brent Sass Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Nicolas Petit Aliy Zirkle
Ricky Wells Brent Sass Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey Jeff King Aliy Zirkle
Bill Croke Brent Sass John Baker Jeff King Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle
Leon Mensch Brent Sass Peter Kaiser Aliy Zirkle Joar Leifseth Ulsom Jessie Royer
Dexter Lafferty Dallas seavey Aliy Zirkle Brent sass Mitch seavey Aaron burmeister
Paula Portalatin Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle Jeff King Brent Sass Mitch Seavey
Anne Rice Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle Jeff King Brent Sass Nicolas Petit
Michael Reinhard Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle Jeff King Mitch Seavey Ray Reddington jr
Rob Dennis Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle Mitch Seavey Cim Smyth Zoya DeNure
Nolan Cox Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle Mitch Seavey Hugh Neff Martin Buser
Chuck Simon Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle Mitch Seavey Jeff King Brent Sass
Tyler Goodrow Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle Mitch Seavey Jeff King Joar Leifseth Ulsom
Blake Cazier Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle Peter Kaiser Wade Marrs Jeff King
Aiyana Ferraro Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Aliy Zirkle Noah Burmeister Mitch Seavey
Jennifer Wallstrom Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Hugh Neff Jessie Royer Aliy Zirkle
Dan Olanna Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Jeff King Mitch Seavey Aliy Zirkle
Heather Croke Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Jeff King Peter Kaiser Nicolas Petit
Serena DeCastro Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Joar Leifseth Ulsom Jessie Royer Aliy Zirkle
Linnaea Schmid Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Mitch Seavey Noah Burmeister Robert Sorlie
Mikael Dick Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Mitch Seavey Noah Burmeister Wade Marrs
Roy Smith Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Peter Kaiser Aliy Zirkle Joar Leifseth Ulsom
matteo guerzoni Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Robert Sorlie Mitch Seavey Aliy Zirkle
Shane Cox Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff Martin Buser Allen Moore Nathan Schroeder
Mike Hein Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff Mitch Seavey Jeff King Wade Marrs
Becky Naidow Dallas Seavey Jeff King Aliy Zirkle Jason Mackey Dee Dee Jonrowe
Selena Scornavacchi Dallas Seavey Jeff King Hugh Neff Peter Kaiser Brent Sass
Heather Dorsey Dallas Seavey Jeff King Joar Leifseth Ulsom Mitch Seavey Peter Kaiser
Austin Forney Dallas Seavey Jeff King Mitch Seavey Brent Sass Jessie Royer
Michelle Marcy Dallas Seavey Jeff King Peter Kaiser Joar Leifseth Ulsom Nicolas Petit
Matt Polcaro Dallas Seavey Jeff King Peter Kaiser Mitch Seavey Joar Leifseth Ulsom
Roy McLellan Dallas Seavey Jessie Royer Hugh Neff Jeff King Mitch seavey
Ken Frizzle Dallas Seavey Joar Ulsom Jessie Royer Mitch Seavey Jeff King
Ross Perrine Dallas Seavey Joar Ulsom Nicolas Petit Jessie Royer Mitch Seavey
rosie ward Dallas Seavey Joar Ulsom Peter Kaiser Brent Sass Jessie Royer
Rusty Wilsey Dallas Seavey John Baker Noah Burmeister Lance Mackey Ken Anderson
Matteo Rolla Dallas Seavey Lance Mackey Jeff King Brent Sass Aliy Zirkle
Lloyd Davis Jr. Dallas Seavey Lance Mackey Robert Sorlie Peter Kaiser Mitch Seavey
Nicole Cox Dallas Seavey Martin Buser Hugh Neff Hans Gatt Aliy Zirkle
Owen Huff Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Aliy Zirkle Hugh Neff Allen Moore
Trevor Lizotte Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Aliy Zirkle Peter Kaiser Brent Sass
Mackenzie Giwojna Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Brent Sass Jeff King Martin Buser
Beth giwojna Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Brent Sass Jessie Royer Martin Buser
Jeff Lewin Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Brent Sass Joar Leifseth Ulsom John Baker
Robin Sharp Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Hugh Neff Aliy Zirkle Nicolas Petit
Nova Clifford Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Jeff King Aliy Zirkle Noah Burmeister
Bryce Mumford Dallas seavey Mitch Seavey Jeff king Jessie Royer Aliy Zirkle
Aaron Campbell Dallas seavey Mitch Seavey Jessie Royer Brent sass Joar Leifseth Ulsom
Chad Schouweiler Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Jessie Royer Jeff King Peter Kaiser
Gordon McLean Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Joar Leifseth Ulsom Jessie Royer Hans Gatt
Isabel Rhodes Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Peter Kaiser Robert Sorlie Lance Mackey
RJ Williamson Dallas Seavey Noah Burmeister Hugh Neff Brent Sass Aliy Zirkle
Olivier Lemire Dallas Seavey Peter Kaiser Aliy Zirkle Jessie Royer Robert Sorlie
Virgil Hovden Dallas Seavey Peter Kaiser Brent sass Jeff King Mitch Seavey
Jason Matthews Dallas Seavey Peter Kaiser Mitch Seavey Jessie Royer Brent Sass
francois latour Dallas Seavey Robert Sorlie brent sass jeff king Allen Moore
Todd Schallock Dallas Seavey Robert Sorlie Brent Sass Joar Leifseth Ulsom Mitch Seavey
Markus Hoehn Dallas Seavey Robert Sorlie Jeff King Joar Leifseth Ulsom Mitch Seavey
Steve Larsen Dallas Seavey Wade Marrs Joar Leifseth Ulsom Sigrid Ekran Miriam Osredkar
Jacqueline LaFreniere Hugh Neff Aliy Zirkle Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Jason Mackey
Charity Cox Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle Martin Buser Allen Moore
Heather Sova-Shevock Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Joar Leifseth Ulsom Aliy Zirkle
Carolyn McKenrick Hugh Neff Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Brent Sass Jessie Royer
Jimmy Lebling Jason Campeau Hugh Neff Wade Marrs Jason Mackey Sigrid Ekran
Erin Altemus Jeff King Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle Jessie Royer Brent Sass
Helen Hegener Jeff King Martin Buser Aliy Zirkle Matthew Failor Mitch Seavey
Caleb Hathaway Jeff King Robert Sorlie Dallas Seavey Peter Kaiser Noah Burmeister
Keith Hottle Jessie Royer Aliy Zirkle Dallas Seavey Robert Sorlie Peter Kaiser
Stu Stirrett Jessie Royer Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Hugh Neff Aliy Zirkle
Ben Keller Jessie Royer Dallas Seavey Hugh Neff Kelly Maixner Brent Sass
mike webber Jessie Royer Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Jeff King Brent Sass
Scott Huff Joar Leifseth Ulsom Aliy Zirkle Peter Kaiser Jeff King Dallas Seavey
Tonje Buljo Joar Leifseth Ulsom Aliy Zirkle Sigrid Ekran Robert Sorlie Brent Sass
Bob Law Joar Leifseth Ulsom Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Sigrid Ekran Joar Leifseth Ulsom
Chuck Cubbison Joar Leifseth Ulsom Mitch Seavey Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Jeff King
Stephanie Barthelman Joar Leifseth Ulsom Peter Kaiser Dallas Seavey Jeff King Mitch Seavey
Hugo Antonucci Lance Mackey Dallas Seavey Jessie Royer Aliy Zirkle Brent Sass
Russell Horner Lance Mackey Hugh Neff Brent Sass Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle
Marni Baxter Lance Mackey Martin Buser Jason Mackey Rob Cooke Jeff King
Brady Richardson Martin Buser Jeff King Mitch Seavey Dallas Seavey Jessie Royer
Jason Young Mitch Seavey Brent Sass Dallas Seavey Robert Sorlie Aliy Zirkle
Will Rhodes Mitch Seavey Dallas Seavey Brent Sass Joar Leifseth Ulsom Peter Kaiser
Francis Polcaro Mitch Seavey Dallas Seavey Peter Kaiser Aliy Zirkle Jeff King
Brenda Mackey Mitch Seavey Dallas Seavey Peter Kaiser Aliy Zirkle Lance Mackey
Benoit Lefebvre Mitch Seavey Dallas Seavey Robert Sorlie Aliy Zirkle Jeff King
Elyssa Strong Mitch Seavey Jessie Royer Dallas Seavey Joar Leifseth Ulsom Wade Marrs
Ray Holliday Mitch Seavey Robert Sorlie Dallas Seavey Aliy Zirkle Brent Sass
Terry Adkins Mitch Seavey Robert Sorlie Dallas Seavey Jeff King Jessie Royer
Morgan Richardson Nicolas Petit Dallas Seavey Jeff King Joar Leifseth Ulsom Wade Marrs
Amanda Bartlett Nicolas Petit Dallas Seavey Lance Mackey Mitch Seavey Aliy Zirkle
Ryan Mickelson Peter Kaiser Brent Sass Mitch Seavey Ken Anderson Jessie Royer
Linda Polcaro Peter Kaiser Dallas Seavey Joar Leifseth Ulsom Mitch Seavey Aliy Zirkle
James Beaver Peter Kaiser Lance Mackey Brent Sass Hugh Neff Joar Leifseth Ulsom
Mike Suprenant Ray Reddington jr Peter Kaiser Aliy Zirkle Joar Leifseth Ulsom Jeff King
Jennifer Wright Scott Smith Aliy Zirkle Matt Failor Dallas Seavey Martin Buser
Carlleen brehmer Wade Marrs Aliy Zirkle Nicolas Petit Brent Sass Dallas Seavey
Kyle Polk Wade Marrs Dallas Seavey Mitch Seavey Robert Sorlie Noah Burmeister

Thanks for playing!!


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