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Your No. 1 sled dog advertising & information source since 1997!

Why Create a Sled Dog Central Account?

Since Sled Dog Central's ownership changed hands, we've done our very best to maintain a familiar environment for you, our users. That will continue to be our goal as we implement new features in the future. A Sled Dog Central account will give you new opportunities to interact with the website as we add new features.

Right Now

  • Create a Sled Dog Central account, with the register button, so you're ready when the great new features become live!

Coming Soon

  • With a Sled Dog Central account you can submit a request to post an ad and see it live in minutes instead of days! Login and make reasonable changes to your current ad(s).
  • Are you in charge of posting race information to Sled Dog Central? Login, post your race, and see it live within minutes. Update it as conditions change, letting your club know of those changes within the hour.
  • And you may have guessed it, the same is true for those race results.

Future Plans

  • Using your account, you can see a history of the ads you've placed.
  • And more, but without getting too techy, we'll be able to provide you with content tailored to you, making your experience on Sled Dog Central more enjoyable.

SDC Talk!

  • Can I use my SDC Talk! login and password on the rest of the Sled Dog Central website?
    -- No, your SDC Talk!, or forum, account is specific to the forum only.
  • Can I use my new website account to login to the SDC Talk! forum?
    -- No, the website account and the forum login are two separate systems. They do not share login information.